Friday, April 24, 2009

Bring on the riding weather

Let me start this by stating that I spent 4 days last week in Scottsdale, AZ where I was spoiled by hot sunny days followed by warm nights spent on the patio enjoying family and good beer. Upon my arrival back in Providence, RI on Monday night, we were welcomed by high winds and rain that made our entry into Providence airport a similar experience to the tilt-a-whirl at the county fair. I went from warm happy and relaxed, to cold damp and pissed off in the same time it took me to get the car out of the parking garage. It has been cold, damp, rainy and windy for far too long!
While in AZ, I went for a hike with the wife and kids, swam 3 out of 4 days, and went for 2 great runs. I would have loved to bring the bike but it wasn't in the cards this trip. While running, I did see about 50 people out for their Sunday ride and found myself rather jealous of every one of them.
Fast forward to this morning where I had plans to ride in to the office with two friends of mine. I woke up on time, had my clothes all laid out to save time, and the forecast was desirable. I was actually pretty excited! That was until I went downstairs and looked at the thermometer - 38 degrees. Damn it!! Back upstairs, break out the leg warmers, the long gloves, to warmers, hat, jacket, etc. It is supposedly improving outside at the moment, and I am anticipating a warmer ride home than I had this morning.
Where am I going with all this? I'm not sure really. I guess seeing that it has been 220 days since it was 80 degrees was an eye opener for me. I like to be outside! I like to ride my bike, run, hike, sit outside, etc. I grew up here and I most definitely have New England in my blood, but at the same time I find it hard to be inside 6 months out of the year.
Anyone else share my frustration to the extent that I do? I mean, I really don't see myself staying here if my outlook doesn't improve. The crappy weather takes a larger toll on my mood each year and it's only getting worse.
Is riding my bike in shorts and a short sleeve jersey really a privilege reserved for 3 months out of the year? I like to think not?
Either way, I'm looking forward to my ride home on the single speed!

1 comment:

F.W. Adams said...

STC--I hear ya and am also gettin' stoked for spring/summer and, in fact, got a bit of an early taste in AZ not too long ago, too. Hang tight, it'll come and remember, you can never truly appreciate the good things in life without a few bad things to give them value! Takes a cold rainy day to color those blue skies you are waiting for!

Peace and happy trails!