Friday, February 27, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Connecticut Challenge

After riding the Pan Mass Challenge for 6 years (2002 2007), I opted out in 2008 due to the extraordinary fund raising minimums. It was a huge void for me in 2008, and I felt that I was missing out on my opportunity to do something good for the world!
This year I have registered for the Connecticut Challenge. The CT Challenge gives anyone interested in raising money for a good cause the opportunity to do so without having to worry about being on the hook for $4000 in fund raising minimums.
I will be riding with my 16 year old nephew, and I am already totally psyched to ride, and to see how much money we can raise for those fighting cancer, as well as all those brave survivors out there.
Anyone interested in riding with us, let me know here on the blog. All the info on the ride is available here
Or, if you would like to contribute to my ride, you can click here
Thanks everyone, ride safe!

Stuck in a rut

Liz DiFebo - a writer for Bicycling magazine - recently posted a story which I found not only entertaining, but as I sympathized with her, I also took some level of comfort in knowing that I'l not the only one that often finds it hard to get back in the saddle.

Click here to give it a read, no doubt we've all been there.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Back on the bike

Well, our original goal was to commute on the bikes at least once every month in 2008, which we did. Unfortunately, January just didn't work out for us and for one reason or another we never rode the bikes to work last month (January '09).
Tomorrow it's back on the bike. I have clean clothes in the locker downstairs at my office, the bike is ready to go, I drove the route last night on my way home and aside form a bit of water, some new pot holes, and ocassional ice - I think we'll be fine!
While I have not been on the bike, I have been running to train for the Willow Tree half marathon in Providence which is coming up on May 3rd. I was never much of a runner but I have been slowly building up mileage over the past couple years and I think I'm actually starting to enjoy it. I still prefer the bike but the running is a nice change of pace. So, tomorrow I shouldn't be too sore, although the bike seat may take some getting used to after a month off the bike. We'll see soon enough.
Ride safe and keep warm!