Thursday, November 05, 2009

My Route

Yesterday turned out to be my first real night commute of the season. I left the office with my buddy Roger at about 5:00 and it was already pretty dark. Armed with headlights, tail lights, and various reflectors on our bikes and clothing, I feel pretty confident that we're visible to traffic on the dark country roads we travel.
Here is my typical commuting route on
I do have a few variations, such as starting out down County Road from my house and taking Marys Pond road up into Rochester center. That adds about 5 or 6 miles which is nice to do when I have the time. Another option is to turn left onto Mattapoisett road, and then cut across Wolf Island road which cuts about a mile or so off the total distance. The issue there is that Wolf Island is dirt and can be a little challenging on the road bike.
Anyone else ride a similar route, or have any ideas? If so we'd love to hear them.

Thanks, and ride safe.


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